
杰克逊的大学 is committed to creating inclusive and equitable classrooms, 校园, 和社区. A core value of 杰克逊的大学 is to demonstrate caring through attentive and responsive action based on the needs of students and others. 为了支持这一承诺, 杰克逊的大学 recognizes that members of the JC community use a name other than their legal name to identify themselves. 因此, students and employees will have the choice of selecting a chosen first and last name to be used instead of their legal first and last name.

The college acknowledges that this chosen name will be used to identify individuals within the college’s information systems. It is further understood the individual’s chosen name should be used in college communications and reporting, except where the use of the legal name is necessitated by college business or legal requirement.

  • 什么是选择的名字?

    A chosen name is a first and last name that an individual chooses to use instead of legal first and last name. Individuals may opt to go by a chosen name that is different from their legal first and last name. An individual’s chosen name will be added to the college’s primary information system. Where possible chosen name will be used instead of legal name. 然而, 大学记录和文件, 比如经济援助和薪水, which require the use of a legal name will not use your chosen name.

  • 我如何请求选定的名称?

    完成 选择名称申请表格 使用脚本. Completed forms will be automatically routed to either 学生服务 (Students) or 人力资源 (员工) for processing.

  • The College will not permit a chosen name under the following situations
    • If the chosen name contains symbols or characters which are not in the standard English 26-letter alphabet. Chosen names with punctuation are at the discretion of the College;
    • If the chosen name carries a connotation that is profane, obscene; is a swear word or depicts a swear word;
    • 如果是露骨的或色情的;
    • 如果与排泄有关;
    • If it is used to describe intimate body parts or genitals;
    • If it is used to describe alcohol, alcohol use, drugs, drug use, or drug culture;
    • If it is used to describe illegal activities or illegal substances;
    • If it is used to describe or identify gang life or activities;
    • If it is used to substantially interfere with another individual’s identification;
    • If it is used to disparage or promote or condone hate or violence directed at any type of business, 集团, 人, 或人;
    • If it represents a foreign word falling into any of these categories;
    • If it represents an actual or phonetic spelling of a word prohibited under any of these categories;
    • 如果它代表了一种标准, 闲谈,聊天, or other abbreviation of a word prohibited under any of these categories;
    • If the number of characters in a chosen name exceeds 30 in the first or last name fields;
    • 如果它侵犯了商标法或版权法
  • 我如何正式更改我的法定名称?

    Students requesting a legal name change should follow the instructions available on the 更新学生资料 页面.

    员工 requesting a legal name change should contact 人力资源 at 517.796.8460.

  • 请求选定名称后会发生什么?

    一旦您提交了选择名称请求表单, the request will be routed to 学生服务 (Students) or 人力资源 (员工) for processing. Your chosen name request will be reviewed and processed by the appropriate department within 3 business days. 下一个, you will receive an email from the 杰克逊的大学 解决方案中心 with your new 杰克逊的大学 username and email address. 请注意,您的密码将保持不变. 信息技术 will process these requests on a weekly basis. Chosen name requests completed by 学生服务 or HR by 11 p.m. on Monday will be processed by 信息技术 the next day.


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